Two days running!

Ok - so, I've decided to jump on here and do a little update!

So far, so good!

This week has actually been surprisingly easy - I've managed to stay to plan (except for one day when I had a curry...) and I'm happy with the results.

I've generally felt good this week, I haven't been hungry and I've enjoyed trying a few new things. Today, I cooked a nice sausage (Quorn) casserole which I used a recipe from the Quorn website however I adapted it slightly to make it more SW friendly. That was nice and quick to make too and will be something I feel I'll be able to make again another time, so that's good!

I've had a lot more fruit and vegetables this week which can only be a good thing - and unlike most days, I actually made time to have my lunch when at work. Pros and cons, right?

I've eaten around 12 eggs this week also which is a turn out for the books as I can sometimes go for weeks and weeks (maybe even months) without having one!

So - how am I going to log my trends and results?

Well, since we've got this swanky new weighing scale, I've decided that perhaps the best way to really track this is by showing you my weekly 'stats' that the scales provide - so here we go!

I know... I know... it doesn't look great so far, does it!

I am really proud, however, as a few more of the 'things' are now becoming green whereas at the start, I was pretty much orange and red for them all!

However - the 'trends' are showing real progress! Check this out!

So - the first one - subcutaneous fat - which I am told is the jiggly visible fat - has started to go down, so that's a positive, right? I know I'm not beach ready, but it's certainly a step in the right direction!

Visceral fat - which I'm told is the 'active fat' which is stored around important vital organs... well - I'm pleased to have had (what looks like) a drastic drop in that too - so, let's keep going there!

And then last but not least - the good old BMI which again is also going in the right direction!

So - in total this week, I've lost 6lb and I'm pretty sure that I've lost this in the right places and not just as water weight!

So - I'll check in again during the week with some little updates, but I'll do one of these longer check ins next Sunday.

See you later!

Ok... so it only took one day and I forgot!

How rubbish of me was that? I started the blog and then forgot!

Well. I havn’t been blogging, clearly, but I have been focussed on slimming world!

We also invested in some new weighing scales by Renpho which also measure other things such as BMI, body fat and water % which is interesting to know!

We bought them from Amazon and so far - so good!

So - successes?

Actually, not too bad for around 5 days worth of measurements! 

I will continue and check in again soon!

Slimming World - Day One

So - in the past, I've tried it all.

Weight Watchers (or, as it is now beautifully rebranded, WW), MyFitnessPal, just "being healthy" and although I am usually successful on the face of it, I always seem to fall back into old habits soon after hitting my target.

I'm in quite a busy job (I'll tell you more about that maybe one day) and so I don't really feel that I have the time to go to the meetings so when I realised you could do an online plan with Slimming World, I decided to give it a go. Why am I here then? Well - I need to be accountable to somebody, even if it's only myself and I figured that having a little space on the internet to post this would be a good idea.

If I'm successful, maybe this will help somebody one day? If I'm not... maybe that will help somebody too as you'll be able to learn from my mistakes.

So - I've decided. Each day, even if it's just a little post, I'll log on and tell you what I've had to eat that day. Maybe I'll even tell you a little bit about the day, if you're interested, and how this impacted upon what I ate. Once a week, I'll give you the STATs. and at some point, I'll even post  the occasional picture!

So - what are the STATs today on day one?

STATs.... gulp....

Weight - 16 stones and 2 pounds.


Breakfast -4.5 syns plus one of my Healthy
Weetos and semi-skimmed milk
(I know.. I know... it was day one and we went food shopping yesterday, stupidly before I decided to wake up this morning and sign up for slimming world...)

Lunch - egg fritata/ omelette/ scrambled egg sort of thing... with onions, tomatoes, peppers and sweetcorn - Free

It was supposed to be an omelette but today was the first day I tried making one without oil.. and let's just say it was a disaster... but it tasted ok, whatever it was.


Stir-fry vegetables (free) with egg noodles (4.5 syns) and Katsu curry sauce (9 syns)

Again - I've learned my lesson. I won't be buying those types of curry sauces any more as that is far too many syns for basically a flavour!


apple, nectarine and grapes - all free
Muller light yoghurt - 0.5syns.
Black coffee - free

So - I'll catch up with you again tomorrow and let you know how it goes!

Thanks and see you around!

1st September - New Blog and Resolutions

Well, hello!

Thank you for stumbling across my little space of the internet...

If you've found me - it's either because I've succeeded in my journey and you too are looking to follow along a similar path to me, or it's because I've failed and you're here to laugh along with the rest of them...

Let's hope it's the first of the two!

So - what happened over the last couple of days to spark this change?

Well. Nothing really. This isn't the first time I've decided to start up a blog like this. In fact, this isn't even the first time I've written one of these - but all of those times failed. Why is this time any different? Well... quite honestly, it isn't.

Yet again, I have the positive idea that I'll somehow make a change and this will be the time that I succeed.

I have succeeded in the past - I succeeded for my wedding in fact, and then as always I stupidly let myself down again... and again... and again... until now... we're now! And I have found myself back to square one... again.

What am I talking about? Well, I suppose you've either guessed or you've purposefully found me because of it - it's weight loss, of course!

So - join me as I try (again) to lose weight and keep it off for good. This time, I've decided to try slimming world. So - if I'm paying for the privilege, I think I aught to make a decent go of it.

Once more unto the breach, dear friends...